Dipl.-Ing Thorsten Ludewig
email: th@hpcc-space.de
Fon: +49 5331 939 1940
Fax: +49 5331 939 1902
Current Projects and Research Activities
A Java High Performance Computing and Communication Framework for multi physics simulation.
A visualization and debugging tool for various 3D formats dealing with JavaGrid.
A Java benchmark suite for scientific High Performance Computing and Communication.
Internet based Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics Solver using the Java-Thread Concept.
Current CFD codes are mostly written in Fortran. Only few codes have been implented in C. The major benefits derived from object-oriented-programming techniques and the world-wide-web with its collaborative engineering and multimedia features, therefore, cannot directly be implemented in these codes. Maintaining, understanding or extending these codes is a costly and highly errorprone undertaking . Paralleization has to be achieved via parallel libraries that also have to be maintained. Dynamic loadbalancing cannot be obtained directly, but needs a dedicated effort. A GUI for such a code generally is written in TCL/TK or Java.
However, Java is not only the language for the Internet but also the lanuage for computational science and engineering, as has been shown by Geoffrey Fox, NPAC and others.
This project, therefore, has the goal to produce a fully 3D parallel Navier-Stokes solver completely
written in Java, capable of handling any type of geometrical complexity, like ParNSS, that is portable, based on the client-server concept and, at the same time, is fully WWW capable, supporting the exchange of construction data, computed results, and project status information in multimedia format, using a web browser as well as Java applets.
The Java Thread concept is a unique feature for code parallelization based on the decomposition of complex multiblock grids, generated, for example, by GridPro . Threads are dynamically implemented by the operating system, providing methods for communication and thus will lead straightforwardly to a dynamically load-balanced application without having to use parallel libraries. Moreover, Java offers portability, object-oriented design, world-wide-web capability as well as graphics features and the envrionment to quickly design a GUI.
Java for real beginners
is a one-semester free voluntary introduction into the java language and the java technologies.
An introduction into the programming language 'Java'
OOP, Java language syntax and semantics, AWT, Swing, IO, Threads, Debugging
Advanced programming in 'Java'
JDBC, RMI, Beans, Servlets, JSP, JNDI, JNI
Visualization and Multimedia with Java
Graphics 2D, Advanced Imaging API, Java Media FrameWork, Java 3D
High Performance Computing and Communications using 'Java'
Massive parallel Programming, Dynamic load balancing, Synchronization, ...
An introduction into UNIX system software development
is a one-semester free voluntary course containing the programming of system calls, processes, basic io, interprocess commumication, signals, pipes and network programming using sockets.
Advanced UNIX system software development and network administration
is a one-semester course containing the programming of threads, x11, OSF/Motif , the art of graphical user interface design and administaton of network services (NIS, DNS, LDAP, NFS, ...)
An introduction into the programming language 'C/C++'
is a one-semester course
Advanced programming in 'C/C++'
is a one-semester course
Häuser, Ludewig, Th., Gollnick, T., Williams, Roy D.
Javagrid: An Innovative Software for HPCC
paper presented at ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics 2001 Conference, Swansea, UK, September 4th to 7th, 2001
Häuser,J., Ludewig, Th., Williams, Roy D., Winkelmann, R., Gollnick, T., Brunett, S., Muylaert, J.
ATest Suite for High Performance Parallel Java
paper presented at NASA 5th National Symposium
on Large-Scale Analysis, Design and Intelligent Synthesis Environments
Williamsburg, VA, October 12th to 15th, 1999
Häuser,J., Ludewig, Th., Williams, Roy D., Winkelmann, R., Gollnick, T., Brunett, S., Muylaert, J.
NASA Panel Java Soundbytes
paper presented at NASA 5th National Symposium
on Large-Scale Analysis, Design and Intelligent Synthesis Environments
Williamsburg, VA, October 12th to 15th, 1999
Häuser J., Ludewig, Th., Gollnick T., Winkelmann R., Williams R. D., Muylaert J., Spel M.,
A Pure Java Parallel Flow Solver,
Proceedings of the 37th AIAII Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA 99-0549
Reno, NV, USA, 11-14 January 1999.
System Administrator
Operating Systems SPARC/x86 Solaris, SPARC SunOS (since 1990), DigitalUNIX, Ultrix, IRIX, Linux, MacOS, WinNT, Win95
Programming Languages
1998 - Sun Certified Java Programmer 1995 - Java (jdk 1.0 alpha 3) 1993 - Perl 1991 - C++ 1990 - UNIX System Administrator 1987 - Modula2 1986 - C, Pascal 1980 - Assembler
Z80, 8080, 8051, 80535, 8086-80486, 6502, 68HC11,
68000-68030, SPARC
1980 - BASIC
Oracle, Informix, MySQL, mSQL
WebMaster (since 1992) Apache httpd, Java WebServer, Squid, CERN Jigsaw, NCSA httpd, CERN httpd, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape Fasttrack, Netscape Proxy Server
Programming and Development for the Web
Java Applets and Servlets Common Gatway Interfaces (CGI) using Perl, C and C-Shell Database to WWW connectivity (JDBC, Perl DBI/DBD, w3-msql)
Web Publishing
HTML, CSS, VRML, Java, JavaScript